Corrupted SLDDRW file

Still crazy that no security is put in place to prevent the slightest micro cut, obviously legion, from compromising the work of a lifetime...

A little reading for the devs on a fundamental principle of programming: error handling:

Obviously, SW's code doesn't have a lot of OnError within it, and especially not in the lines governing network transfers.

@Sylk it's not in their interest to develop micro-outage management since PDM allows you to work locally and avoid this problem. So if micro-cut you are pushed to PDM. :moneybag: :moneybag: :moneybag:
But yes since time, for me since sw2004 and the problem was already known...

This may seem paradoxical (but we are not close to a paradox), but to limit micro-outages, Solidworks recommends not using the Backups and Recovery functions of the Solidworks options.
And indeed we hardly see any network outages anymore by disabling these options.
Originally, I had programmed the " Sikuli " graphic/visual macro generator to click " OK " for me at each network loss warning when registering a " big " assembly... (and there were a lot of warnings !!)
Here is a small document to illustrate the path of a data packet via a server Vs a local workstation...

… There you go, here it is...


At the time, not knowing how to program @Maclane , I put a steel wedge on the enter key! Everyone has their own solution to overcome the problems. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:




You have to understand them, a recommendation is so much simpler and less expensive than 1 hour of dev time to make the functions work.

I too, since I don't fly anymore, I crash much less often in the middle of the Atlantic. :relieved::ok_hand:


Interesting as an article though