Step File

I received Step files made since an SLDW version apparently  more recent than mine, impossible to open the macro, do you have a solution? 

Thanks in advance 



Can you rephrase?

If you have received a STEP, there is no longer any consideration to be made of the version of SolidWorks. And if it's a step, there's no macro!

What is the problem exactly?



Normally, opening a STEP file from SolidWorks directly displays the surfaces:

We can make an import diagnosis at the end if everything didn't go well.

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a STEP file is a STEP file

no SW and no Macro

as @ Benoit says

@+ ;-))

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The problem is that I have a bunch of STEP files, I don't know how to open them,

yet with padlock there is no problem, but it's not Step

I think




For me, it opens up the first time.


Here's your file image

you open a blank page SW 

you take your file with your mouse

and you put it on your blank page

miracle it works by itself 

if the problem the log tells you


See attached file SW 2012


If you try to open it by double-clicking from your explorer, with the original Windows settings, it doesn't work. You have to open it from SolidWorks, by pressing Open and fetching it.

Otherwise you can drag it from your explorer to the SolidWorks window, there it will open.

Last solution if you want to open the STEP from Windows Explorer, you right-click on the STEP file, Open with and you choose SolidWorks.


If it's a file sent by email, trying to open it directly by email doesn't always work.

You have to copy it to a folder on your PC before


Ho cool the trick of dragging and dropping directly into SDW. You have just saved me precious seconds @Benoit.LF and @Gt22


Otherwise another solution that works is to go through your "file, open" go to the folder, display all the file types and select it (ah yes, I told you that my method was long and tedious -_-" )

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The drag function works for most software, CAD or not.

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@coin37coin the drag and drop is valid for the step igs and txt, but also when you make a sketch you can drag an image directly and pass directly to the tracing function. (at least for a 24bit image in Photoshop .psd) without going through the insert menu etc...


This is a way very often used on Mac and for any CAD software, graphic design etc

but you should know that it exists since XP for windows but often disabled, especially simply for the explorer with a drag copy or a press on Shift which would be equivalent to drag and place



Hello, problem solved, big thank you all