Corrupted Files - Solidworks 2017

Hi all

Since I switched to solidworks 2017, I feel like assemblies get corrupted very easily.

Am I the only one in this case? With the 2015-2016 version I never had a corrupted file message, on the other hand with the 2017 I very often have this while I don't do any bad manipulation.

Yours truly,

Hello, which service pack are you under?




Personally, I sometimes get this kind of message on files on the network.
I have a not very fast network and the problem comes mainly from there.

Do you open your files from the network?





Thank you for your answer, I'm on Solidworks 2017 SP2.0.

And in fact I work mainly on my machine, I then export to the network (due to the fact that the network here is not great in terms of transfer and synchronization).



Are your corrupted files on the network?

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No, they are on my machine, I only export as soon as the plans are finished.

@isomega, download the latest S pack that can already help.

Are you the only one in 2017? Mixing the versions is not advisable because the recording in 2017 prevents any action of those in 2016 or lower.



I'm the only artist in the company, and therefore the only one to use the 2017 ;)

I'm going to download the latest service pack and I'll see ;) I was still very surprised not to find a similar post on Google, I feel a bit lonely:)

Yes, I think we should already move to SP4.0


SP4.1 because the 4.0 has a security problem with Wind 10 for info


Yes I saw I download the 4.1, I have to wait for the computer scientist to be present to put his admin code (pfffff)


 ago Isomega  | 146 point(s)

I'm the only artist in the company, and therefore the only one to use the 2017 ;)I'll download the latest service pack and I'll see ;) I was still very surprised not to find a similar post on Google, I feel a bit lonely:) »

Lynkoa is here to make you feel less alone in the face of your CAD problems ;-) 

Hoping you have found the solution.


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"I have to wait for the computer scientist to be present to put his admin code ".

I have always been told that for SolidWorks to work properly, the user must always be a local administrator of the workstation.



@flegendre yes normally, but the policy undertaken does not always allow this

Well I still haven't been able to get my 4.1 update... Long live the IT department, I am offered to close my question, and since ^^ there are apparently very few of us who have problems with file corruption in view of the messages, it must be my machine so the problem, I will see to properly reinstall the whole system with the updates of solidworks.

Thank you for your answers


SP5 has been available in preview since yesterday. It will be downloadable in its final version in a few days.

I think it's worth waiting for your IT department...


I also regularly have this corrupted file problem. Often in the case of assembly (approx. 10 parts) sometimes in the case of one part.

We have SP3. I'm not the only designer in the company and another one has already had this problem. 

I will transmit the solution of the download of the last parking service but we are about 20. Is there another solution to avoid this problem?

Thank you