Freezing the creation abre

Hello everyone,

Does anyone know how to lock the featuremanager tree in its size and with or without its "visibility" pane?

it's annoying to take your ease by 1/3 of the screen a few times! :-(


Just move it to the left

 in a double screen and work with a screen worthy of its name

The fact is that it is not possible to work without

at least for me


Hello GT22


I didn't understand anything about your explanation!    (NOOoooon don't bang my head at me)


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Yes! And when you only have one screen? :-(

so I'm reitering for our friend @ Zozo whom I salute by the way

The SolidWorks Creation Tree, which in theory is on your left 

There is a rectangle on the axis of the right flank with an inside point

Just pick it up with the mouse and maximize or minimize the width of your feature manager

same for the process and + possibility to duplicate the feature manager

here is in pictures

@+ ;-)




Well, you do the same. It seems to me that the display type of the featuremanager tree is stored in the document so if sometimes it gets comfortable it's because the document was stored like that.

Kind regards

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Thank you @GT22

I know:-)     OUf !!

Reading you, I thought for a moment  that I had another unknown feature of the genre: that you could detach it like the tabs and place it in the middle of the drawing.

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@gt22 you can mail me the file that contains the yellow piece that you did well    MDR

Unless you post it in the other topic :-) :-)

To say that it is well done is really not the word

since I started from its base leaving all the functions

and do X test to understand how to do it 

 it will be on the thread of the said post

@+ ;-)

PS: Via the attached images you already have some good leads ;-)

I'll let you look for a little ;-)

take it as a game ;-)

@+ ;-)



It would be so good if that were it. But since each file I save is with the panel set and each time the file is reopened it moves, I have to look elsewhere.

I also have a vague memory of not having been emm..... with this panel in an older version, like the measurement tool which now collapses the content of the context menus if it is in use. No memory of this bug either.