Fixing one part relative to another


In SW is there a function that allows a relative fixity as in catia V5?

Can we fix the position of a piece relative to a second part in order to avoid dragging I don't know how many position constraints? 

Thank you in advance.

Sorry for the inconvenience...  I just found it finally. You have to use the block function in constraints.

It's frankly less intuitive and biased than in catia V5 (selection of several parts to block relived, impossible in SW) but hey I'd be happy with it..


In SW we can

  • fix temporarily (right click + "Fix/Group Temporarily") or permanently (right click + "Fix")
  •  group temporarily (right click + "Fix/Group Temporarily") or permanently (right click + "Form new S/E" which will remain internal if you want or can be outsourced)


No, in fact it only works for moving with the compass but the parts blocked to my centerpiece don't follow when I force my centerpiece to one second to move it in space.

What a piece of...

Yes I tried to fix temporarily but I wanted to fix 4 rooms relative to a first one and be able to force this first one to an environment and that the 4 secondary pieces follow in any situation.

Obviously, it's not feasible. 


edit, thank you the grouper works! Thank you

frankly not intuitive ...

Thanks again

Temporarily fixing is not helpful to you in this case. You have to create S/E of the 5 pieces and the S/E constrain it

I assume that a CAD subset must correspond to a physical subset otherwise we can't get out of it, which is why I don't want to create one (even a virtual one).

we can't fix one part to another in SW other than temporarily and therefore we have to drag all the redundant constraints and as SW is an extremely stable software (irony)

... how I regret Catia V5 ... to make real assembly.


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I imagine that these five pieces are not free in space, and that they are not positioned arbitrarily (illogical), simple constraints of positionion or  distance are enough,

Regarding the blocking, I think you're doing it wrong, because it works perfectly. 

Concerning catia and the real o_0 assemblies, I am not able to make a comparison, each software has these advantageous points, it is to say that we will be more profitable, more comfortable with the software that we measure best.