As part of a project, I need to carry out different simulations of the air flowing on a sail. I would like to be able to vary the angle of the sail, possibly its bulge (I imagine more complex, with a modification of the sketch) or the wind speed.
For example, I would like to do simulations for angles of the sail in relation to the wind from 0° to 45° in 5° steps. I can do it manually, but it would still be much simpler if I could automate this. I can't find how to do it despite my research, would anyone know how to do it?
I don't practice flow simulation, but I imagine that philosophy is identical to statics, fatigue, vibration...
I sometimes launch parameterized studies. That is to say that you model once your case study, you make a single mesh, then you tell it to do the calculation several times by varying a parameter either by steps with limits and increments, or by previously defined values. You can vary several parameters at the same time, and ask you to make combinations and to exert yourself the most optimized model according to a goal that you can define. (the interest and of course the speed of resolution rather than doing the studies one by one)
The parameters you make varied can be diverse: the dimension of a sketch, the dimension of a function, a force....
Once again I don't know Flow simulation, but in your case I think the best thing is that your sail is fixed. I imagine that the wind is carried by a direction? a line? In this case, it is best to define this line with a sketch. and your angle becomes the variable parameter