Sidewall Splines feature in SolidWorks? (


I'm looking to make parallel/involute grooves on  a shaft, I was wondering if there was a function that allows you to do this function?


Thank you in advance.

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You can download the Alti Tech library which provides functions of flute libraries (among others!).

An example attached.




Isn't a simple removal of material enough?



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Thank you Benoit.LF, I'll take a look and see what it looks like.

Bart, yes, that's what I'm doing right now but I have to enter all the profiles by hand, do a repetition of these profiles and extrude. My basic question was just to know if there was a function in SW that allowed to "automate" the procedure.


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Yes, indeed, I did not fully grasp the problem. So much for me =)


In this case, it is possible to create a parameterized flute function depending on the case.


All you have to do is put formulas in the sketch to be able to control it.

Otherwise, as Benoit said, take a ready-made library.

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