Function in an assembly


In an assembly, for example, can we drill between 2 parts and have this reflected on the parts individually?

Thank you


A priori no. A hole, or any other function, in a part is concretized by an additional line in its tree structure. However, to write in the tree structure of a part, you must first edit it, so be done at the level of the part and not of the assembly. The hole in question must be made in the first part and then reflected in the other by editing the latter in the context of the assembly in order to be able to recover the underlying sketch from the first part (e.g. the "convert entities" tool).

This is the classic method, not very complicated and which works every time.

If by chance it were possible to do this at the assembly level, it would imply that the parts would have their geometries linked to the assembly. Indeed, outside the assembly, the drilling, or the function, is no longer defined. What about the geometry of the parts if they are opened on their own? We would then fall into the notion of virtual parts with all their unnecessary complications. What is the point???



I tried without success. Never mind, I'll counter pierce through my first piece.

Thank you


If I understand correctly ;-) You have an ASM carried out in the Ascending method and you would like to do some of the Ascendant method and then

This means that you make a sketch in the ASM and then a material removal that makes holes in one or more parts in one go.

The problem is that the sketch and the removal of material belong to the ASM and not to a part - whether it is created upwards or downwards - so there are in my opinion no external references that link the part created in the assembly with the ASM.

I do not believe that the possibilities of external references can be applied in your case.

All this even when making a schematic representation

So unless our great colleagues here have a trick, I don't see how to pass on the drilling on a part that would become autonomous and keep its hole even and especially outside the ASM.

Kind regards


For me it would be possible by doing as described unless I misunderstood your need.

It doesn't seem possible in the 2014 Premium version.

If possible 

but you have to register the part with a new name since it's + the same part and change it in your assembly 


How do you record the piece alone with your new sketch? No orders available in this sense.

Just open the room and rename it

it's simple it seems to me ;-)

and once this piece has been renamed 

change it with the one of the assembly

it's commonly done ;-)


I'll try to be clearer with an example:

I'm in an assembly. I sketched a circle that I would like to see in the room when I open it on my own so that I can edit it and start a sketch from the one made in the assembly.

Clearly, I want the sketch made to remain visible when I open the room alone.

For simple drilling, the solution of AC Cobra 427 works very well. (Sorry I didn't see the tip highlighted)

I'm going to be greedy: Is there the same possibility for something other than a piercing?



In SW 2019 and 2020, in an assembly when using the material removal or drilling assistance function, you just have to check "Propagate the function to parts" so that the changes in the assembly also apply to the parts when you open them individually (if that's what you want to do).

Let's see if the function is present in the previous version.



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Sorry but there 

It's the hospital  that doesn't give a damn about charity ;-)

yes a rereading of some posts 

And not to mention the changes made to the communication threads

@+ and Happy New Year 

Good evening

Having returned to the house where there is Solidworks, I also come back to my first answer. I did a test following Viking's question. Yes, it is possible to make a function, in this case a removal of material, at the level of the assembly which will be reflected on the parts individually. This function does not appear in individual trees. I will admit that I never thought about this possibility, thank you Viking.

But apart from increasing the possibilities of the software, I still wonder about the interest. If you want to make a modification on a part specifically for its use in a specific assembly, a configuration (designed in the assembly (top-down design)) seems much more natural to me and above all easier to manage. And then how do you draw this modified part, the modification not appearing in the room alone? Especially if you want the sketch to remain accessible by editing the piece alone.

Happy New Year's Eve to all

