Library function with equation



I have a sheet metal function that generates a tenon or a mortise but it crashes at the level of the equation that it doesn't want to take into account see print screen if anyone has a debugging track?

Kind regards


Good evening

I don't know if it matters but you don't have the same character case between declaring your variable and using it.

In computer science and many programs this is important ;-)

Kind regards


Well done Zozo_mp, if the processing is done in C# language then it's case sensitive...


However, initially when declaring it in my function as a library it is indeed written Thickness and not THICKNESS


I also had a similar problem once. I wanted to put a variable "THICKNESS" but it created conflicts with the variable "Thickness" created automatically when you have sheet metal. So my variable I just called it "Ep" and since then I don't have any more problems.



Edit: I may have read the question too quickly, and my answer is a bit off-topic. Dsl ;)


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I would say that there cannot be 2 objects with the same name in a SW file, but you create a dimension named thickness and a variable. Try renaming your variable.

I don't create a Thickness variable, it is automatically generated when creating a sheet metal part and I want to use it


I also see that the name of your equation is "Epaisseur@Enlèv. mat.-Extru. 1" except I don't see any function with the name "Removed. mat.-Extru. 1" in your tree of creation.

Kind regards

d.roger in fact this material elevation is included in the function of the MORTISE bookcase

If the variable is created by the system then it is the dimension that needs to be renamed. The idea is that there are not 2 objects (whatever their nature: function, variable, folder, etc.) with the same name.

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I attached the function directly to my function it wrote to me ="Epaisseur@tôlerie"



Sorry for the quality, when you create the function you put = you select the sheet metal function and you select the thickness dimension




if I replace




My equation no longer follows at all when removing my library function