Library function: reference and configuration


I'm trying to create a library function (riveklé) with several configurations (m3, m4,...)

The problem occurs when I want to change the configuration: a window appears (see attachment) and the main sketch of the function loses its references (constraints, dimensions)

Thank you in advance for your help !


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See this tutorial


Hello personally, I have for the riveklé inserts, I made a family of parts, to complete.

I never got that message. I have never put this part in my solidworks library, just store it in a personal folder. I'll get it back when needed or insert it into parts or assembly...

If it helps, I put it as an attachment.

Kind regards.


@GT22: unless I'm mistaken, in the tutorial, I didn't see any change in configuration after forcing the sketch. This is when the window appears and the sketch loses its positioning dimensions or constraints.

And if you look closely................  at 1.12 minutes

see image

it looks like a configue, doesn't it?

@+ ;-)

@GT22: I see the editing of the sketch to constrain it but without changing the configuration afterwards.

you can see that when he changes the configue your sketch changes too, no;-)

look at the tutorial it's not long 7 minutes

and you will find the answer to your problem


@GT22: I expressed myself badly. After having completely finalized and validated the library function (constraint sketch), when I then edit the function to change the configuration, the window is displayed and the constraints and positioning dimensions of the sketch (basic and common to all configurations) disappear.


can you post us the function.

may the force be with you.



if you want to keep the positioning constraints

Goes through the Intelligent Component or Function

See this tutorial among others for a view of the thing



Attached is the file.



A very simple thing; But if you remove your constraints and set your sketch, it works??? It may be worth testing. 

I do not want to fix the sketch, their position varies throughout the study.


Several observations:

  1. Why not put the positioning dimensions in your BBLIOTHEQUE file, so they would always be present and no need to redo them each time you insert them and above all they will always be there if you change your configuration
  2. If I insert your function, then I move the basic sketch, there are errors in the reconstruction of the other functions, so constraint problem to be solved




+1 @ Coyote ;-)

See this tutorial too

At the 28 minute there is a creation of a library function that you save in an SPE file of your personal library

like all libraries you have to work with your personal library




-The basic sketch does not necessarily have sides to constrain it, it can be fixed on a sketch.

-I don't have any reconstruction error during this diagram: implementation and validation of the library function (without constraints, editing, moving and validating the basic equisse.

For you, is this the same scheme where the functions are in error of construction?

@ Raimanu surprising your answer!!!!!

It seems to me that the constraints and the dimensions are the basis of the parametric

Reading your last answer I'm perplexed and don't really see what to say +

Create a sketch to pose an unconstrained sketch of a feature.......... Uh.. Uh.... Uh.....

so I go out 

@+......................... have a good day............ ;-)

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@GT22: depending on the needs of the study, when I edit the basic sketch, I constrain it either by applying a dimension or by constraining it on another sketch (dot, middle, end,...).

At home it works well, when you bring back your function you constrain it with what??? The window is normal because you change configuration in your function. You either have to constrain it with a straight line or a point that you have previously placed and there it works very well... There must not be any side in relation to the outline of your function. I don't understand why but it makes everything suck... First create a sketch with a point and the sides that gives the position and leaves there but this point must be totally constrained. After you constrain your function with this point....

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