Function or formulas for my file


it's urgent, please need help

In a binder, I have

sheet n° 01 (lists): it is the list of basic titles that must be delivered.
sheet n° 02 (titles delivered): this is the one that must display the titles that appear in the 1st sheet
sheet n° 03 (non-delivered titles): in this sheet must display the titles that are not delivered from the 1st sheet

So the verification of the titles delivered is done with a conditional formatting plus a command with color schemes.

My problem is how to display the titles that were not delivered, in the third sheet after the check in the second sheet?

The titles to check are stick to the second sheet

The Sougrie file is an example (because my file is large with thousands of cloths and sticks


Excuse me, maybe it's only me but I didn't understand anything except the fact that you're talking about an Excel file...

It looks like your message went through a bad Chinese translation tool => french


Yes, because here the translation is Chinese -- > Chinese ² !!

Even with the best will in the world, I didn't understand anything!! ^^


Do you want your panels to color when they are not read?!


Explain yourself again because it's incomprehensible =)



I think I pretty much understood, but I have a few questions:

Are the titles delivered only in orange?

If a title is in sheet 1 but is not in sheet 2, how do we know if it is delivered or not? In this case, it must appear in sheet 3? In the example: "

Ecricome Tremplin 1 and Passerelle 1" competition
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I'll leave you baby Lucas;)


Good luck

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What does this have to do with CATIA????????

You are not using the right forum, Lynkoa is a community platform around the world of CAD!



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Sougrie has just explained his problem to me again by PM, he is looking for an equation that will allow him to display in Sheet 3, the undelivered titles of Sheet 1.

Sheet 2 shows the titles already delivered.

Basically an equation like: If a heading in column A of sheet 1 is not in column A of sheet 2, then it should be displayed in column A of sheet 3.

I now leave it to the experts^^

I think it is necessary to go through a macro.

Do you have any knowledge of VBA?

What type of data is present in the title? Text?

If you can send us a standard file, I would be happy to try to make a little code.

Please post on the feed so everyone can follow. If the data in the workbook should not be published. You can replace them with example values of the same type.

EDIT: I read it across and missed the attached file... Pfff!

Here is an attached file that works:


Macros must be enabled when opening the workbook.

Then go to the "View" tab on the far right "Macros" then "Show macros" and launch "verification_livraison"

It's a shaky and quick code but it works!

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I don't know what the purpose is but it seems easier to add a "delivered" column and filter on it.

If there is a need to make a valuation, simply make the 3 calculations by integrating the "delivered" parameter.


Here is the corrected file (there was a small error).
