Torsion function compatible with a mechanically welded profile

With this torsion function can we twist a profile of my profile library if yes with a spline? an arc of a circle

How do I do it?

Thank you in advance for your help

Sincerely, Nicolas

The best thing to do is to redo your profile

If you have a sketched profile, don't worry

then you do what you want via the curve guide deform torsion etc

what type of piece do you want to make

@+ ;-)

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I want to create a handlebar like CHOPPER (lynkoa challenge) with a profile from my library of thin square welded mechanics or a solid square profile (that's up to me).

Does it work with a profile?

or this function does not allow you to twist a profile in addition to being on a spline


I would like to twist a square profile on a spline see attachment




I rather take a screenshot we don't all have the same version of SW

You can draw with a simple 3D sketch, and evolve your round square section... along this sketch. If you want more complex shapes (like twisting a square tube in a bend) you need 2 sketches (one that controls the direction and the other that controls the orientation of the section throughout your function....

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I suspected that there was a 3d sketch (pilot or not by the way I tried a lot of things) but only I can't do this manip

For my profile it asks for a segment my spline triggers an error message

do you have tutorials on David be3's answer that's basically what I'm trying to do

I think splines are not taken into account for mechanically welded tools! You have to manage to get your sketch by combining curves (I admit that it's a hassle when you try to do "design": the challenge of the Cox must also give a lot of people a hard time:) !!! Attached is a file with 3D sketch and twist.



The problem with splines

It's that it quickly goes wrong when the odds are not set strictly with rigor


and which of + is if you twist via a sweep the bending radii can quickly mess up the souk


so according to your coat hanger

you can twist your right in a retilinear

and then bend it

either with the bending tool or the deform tool


the same way of doing things in the workshop


@+ ;-)


yes by the way the cox I had to give up it's way too much beyond my DAO level

Thank you for your help in any case and have a good weekend


Sincerely, Nicolas

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See if it's something like that that you want


@+ ;-)

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yes that's it, but I can't download your part, it puts it in failure mode every time it is tried to download

Is it good with a profile?

Which version of solidworks do you have?

no I created a profile but it doesn't change anything


I have a 2013/2014 student version


So you should be able to open

I don't understand?
