Functions Blocking Functions - Marking - Purging - Graphic Triangles

Hi all.

We're going to install SW 2013 in the office.

We were in 2011.

I carried out various tests on the 2013.

I used the function blocking functions on multi-body parts. On other parts, Mark configurations. Use the ability to  purge graphical data.  Also used, management of large designs and analysis of graphic triangles.

I'm quite disappointed. I don't see any difference in the opening time on assemblies composed of x multi-body with reconstruction tps close to 0 (after blocking).  On a multi-body part, with all the bodies blocked, if I add a simple extrusion function, it slows down....

No noticeable difference with parts with marked configurations.

If I hide the pieces with very high numbers of graphic triangles, I don't see any difference in the opening and display as well.

Do you have the same observation about these functions?

Thank you.


Kind regards







Hi @ julien


Have you updated your assembly


To try with tab toolbar, evaluate, statistics of the function


@+ ;-)


Hello GT 22.


Thank you for your answer.


Yes, the assembly has been updated.


The static tool on the parts indicates times close to 0.


However, I don't see any difference in the assembly.


Kind regards.




Hi @ Julien


I found this


macro lockfunctions:


Macro Unlock Functions:


if you have locked the functions of a part and you want to do a simple extrusion on it

I think it's quite normal for it to lag since the functions of this part are lock so you have to unlock it before


Watch this video from Solidexpert


for hidden rooms

if I'm not mistaken, they are simply visually hidden but still exist so they also need to be rebuilt


@+ ;-)



Thank you very much GT22;


I glanced at the links.


The SolidXpert macro doesn't seem to me to bring a significant +. On SW, you just have to right-click on the blocking bar to block or unlock everything.


For me, if you add a simple extrusion function on a shaft with all the fcts blocked, it shouldn't lag. We must find ourselves in a room configuration with muted bodies (Defeature or imported body).


In SW's manual, they state:

The Graphs -Triangles property indicates the number of facetization triangles used to display a component. For a given component, when you increase the image quality setting, the number of triangles increases and performance drops. If graphics performance is slowed down in a very large assembly, you can sort the components by selecting Graphics - Triangles. You may then want to consider masking components with a large number of s-triangles.


Thank you


Have a good Sunday



This feature saves reconstruction time when we have complex parts whose geometry never changes, and  it is also very useful for library parts or supplier parts whose dimensions you will  never change. - See more at:
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re Hi @ JH


so we agree with our common reading bases


that the function is made for complex parts in a lib (parts that never change, supplier parts)


therefore for the reconstruction of these said rooms


but that this function does not react  for an assembly 


@+ ;-)


PS: we are used to writing down this answer if an answer brings concrete elements

What I did for your last answer

and if an answer solves the problem we note resolved to the right of the question asked

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Thank you GT22.


When I open an assembly with x complex multibody parts, I don't see any difference in the assembly opening time and during the drawing process.  
Functions blocked,  I have the same times.  The statistical tool indicates reconstruction times close to 0 for parts with fcts blocked.

I don't have the impression that this fcts blocking feature is effective.

I wanted to have feedback from users in the field.


Thank you.


Kind regards.



Note:  This is my first time on this site,  I think the site will quickly be "rotten" by this point distribution policy. A bit like Axemble's well-oiled commercial machine. Sorry gentlemen.

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Hello @JH,


Regarding the blocking bar, I don't think it's effective on multi-body. On the other hand, it is on a part with a very large number of functions in the construction shaft (e.g. an engine block with 255 functions). And in this case the recalculation times are really divided by 2 or even 3 in some of my tests.

Regarding the saving of configurations, it does not change the time it takes to open the document, the goal is not this, the goal is to switch from one configuration to another instantly.

And finally concerning the graphic triangles, I didn't do a test with that.






I don't see how the points system will quickly rot Lynkoa, if that's the case, we will obviously react.

I invite you, before sharing this judgment, to take the time to discover the site, to participate and to exchange with the members of this site who, as you will see, have a good state of mind.


It is then up to you, in practice, to draw conclusions in full knowledge of the facts...


Nevertheless, we remain open to all criticism so that this site is a place of mutual aid CAD where everyone finds an interest.


Best regards

Yves Bouthérand, CM Lynkoa




Good evening everyone.


Thank you Coyote.


On complex parts in multi_corps, the statistical tool indicates very significant (teorical) gains. For example, you go from 120 s to 8 s. Bcps of pieces without repetition or body symmetries are at 0 s.


This function is apparently only valid for single-body parts.

This is a shame, because the multi-body mode greatly simplifies many assemblies. The tree structure is smaller. I hope that our friends at SW will work on the subject.


Very relevant answer on saving configurations. The goal is to switch from one configuration to another instantly.


Good evening everyone.

Good evening to my guardian angel!


Kind regards

