Splitting a room


I am coming to you following a problem with the splitting function, I have a part made of mechanically welded bodies and I want to split it, I had already succeeded in this maneuver not long ago and I had not had the same problem.

I can only split my part, I can no longer save the split bodies, I get an error message from Solidworks when saving, it tells me that my file name is not valid (CF image). I tried several recording techniques, going through the split function and the "Save bodies" function and each time it gives me the same message. Do you have an idea, a solution to unblock me?

Thank you, Cdt,




Apparently, the error returned is that the file name is empty.

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This is where I don't understand, I never asked him to choose a file under C:\Program Files\Solidworks Corps....... But under Z:\Base BE\Base Drawing..... (as you can see at the bottom left of the screen, in the Property Manager)


A priori you need to repair the installation, or uninstall and reinstall, as shown here:

"After contacting Solidworks support, I was able to fix the problem by doing a clean uninstall/ install of the program.  I think the answer is that some other open program was causing problems with the original installation. [...] "



Another solution:

Looks like I solved my problem by moving my part templates to a custom folder, changing my file locations in sys prefs and then restarting SW.




Moving template files, and

Tools > Options > Default Templates with the option "Always use these default document templates" selected.

@PL, uh... No, I can't afford to waste so much time, I'll wait for more answers;p

But thank you for your advice all the same!

EDIT: I'll try the 2nd solution instead;)

The second solution doesn't work either, I don't know how to do it anymore :-/

In any case, I wouldn't reinstall Solidworks, it will be faster for me to recreate the part from the beginning...

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And if you create a new assembly with your selected parts as requested

by editing an example name under X 1_3 or 1_X assembly

keeping the name, folder name, client files, and date

according to the number of sub-assemblies

@+ ;-))

You can try to repair the SolidWorks installation from the control panel with a right-click. It doesn't change anything normally.

If you have a premium, you do a step and then a recognition of function. See if it changes anything and it takes less time than redesigning it.

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The same problem happens on several workstations? If not, see my tutorial to reset the settings.


5-6 years later I don't know if anyone will see my message but I also have the same problem. Yesterday I managed to unblock myself by recovering a coin from the trash that I had deleted. 

I don't know why this bug occurs, this morning the same problem and since then I've been stuck. I make a Joystick and I have to cut the handle into several parts to be able to print it. I managed to cut it once on a shot and since then I can't record any other part. I get the exact same error message. Having a student license I don't want to try the uninstallment of solidworks at the risk of losing my models on which I have been working for 2 months :$ 


Which version of Solidworks do you have (the 2021 and the 2022)?

You should open your own post! It would be simpler because the digging up does not encourage us to respond ;)

I myself wondered why the message came out of limbo, thinking of a bug in updating the forum version.

To pluche



I would like to reopen the subject. Indeed, I am on the 2022 SP 2.0 version and I am experiencing the exact same problem as when the topic was initially opened.
Has anyone found a solution?

Looking forward to reading you,

Yours sincerely.

Feb 20
Which version of Solidworks do you have (the 2021 and the 2022)?
You should open your own post! It would be simpler because the excavations do not encourage you to answer :wink:
I myself wondered why the message came out of limbo, thinking of a bug in updating the forum version.
To pluche

Hello @Rebière.S

Could you mail your coin please
Indeed, it is often by looking at the part or its construction that we can glimpse where the problem is.
photos of the PB would also be welcome

Kind regards


First of all, thank you for your answer.
It turns out that with the help of support, we found the origin of the problem. It turns out that it was a sketching problem. Indeed, I used the "convert entities" function on a circular edge and it generated a circle in the sketch, but in several entities, instead of a simple circle. It seems that this is the cause of the problem. I should point out that the outline of the sketch was well and truly closed. So I drew a circle manually that I forced to my stop and I repeated the manipulation. of fraction. The problem was solved.

Hoping that it can help others in the future,

Kind regards.


Hello @Rebière.S

Glad you solved your pb.

Can you close the topic please. You can choose your last answer as the best answer.

Kind regards

I have no idea how to close the topic or even choose an answer as the best answer. It's not for lack of trying.

@Rebière.S, you won't be able to close the topic since you grafted yourself onto a topic that you didn't create.
That's why I mentioned @Zozo_mp for you to create your own subject.
When it's your topic you can click on the best answer box (here circled in red):

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