Leather sheath


What would you advise me to represent a leather sheath and get a unfolded version of it?

For the moment I have made a boss/base swept to follow the hoop, but I don't see how to make a flat representation like they did for a sheet metal.

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It seems that SW 2015 knows how to unfold this kind of thing.

You can also try a sheet metal conversion.

@Bart also mentioned LOGOPRESS several times.


With a swept sheet metal it doesn't work?


Draw the hoop, then make a swept fold on the path of the hoop?


@Bart I must have missed something because yes I had thought about that but SW throws me away like a clean evil...

But as the headband is an imported one I must not have all the functions.

Is the roll bar just a profile swept on a curve? with more pleats.


Convert your headband to sheet metal if you don't want to waste time, then try the sweep.


Can you attach your piece?

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What you're trying to do is what's called UV mapping. There are many software programs that allow you to do this (Maya, Blender, Ultimate unwrap...) 

-For Solidworks, the 2015 version allows you to finally unfold complex surfaces. Which corresponds to your search.

-If you want another solution, it is possible to unfold complex shapes via the free Blender software. This requires a little practice given the difficulty of getting to grips with the software. To do this, you will need to import your solidworks model in blender via the STL format and follow the procedure of making a "UV map" in blender. There are many sites offering tutorials to do this (search via google or youtube).


Thank you for these clarifications.


I'm thinking of training on blender if it really can help in unfolded sheet metal, I'll take it! =)

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Ok I'll try on the 2015 and then on bender

Personally under SW 2015, I have big problems...


I lost a lot of files and a lot of parts are not compatible.


I reassembled my parts at Dassault for analysis.



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Have you tried to convert with a 3D sketch for your curves 



I didn't use the 3D sketch for my boss because I'm following the front plane. 

I just received a drawing where it is possible and done under SW2013. So it's my lack of knowledge that's at fault, or my way that's not the right one.


Even if you didn't use 3D sketches for the boss as you say 

nothing prevents you from taking this edge and converting it into a 3D sketch

and via this 3D sketch you should be able to recreate this surface which can be unfolded

see among other things the wires on the 3/4 revolving stairs with central stringer unfold the stringer

as soon as you have a face or edge that is straight you can in any case transform the guide lines into a 3D sketch

it's very simple @ Gérald 


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@Gerald, you mean you have a drawing with the unfolded one?

If so, it may also be simply a hack with a DIY unfolded tool!

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It's always simple when you master a subject. For my part it's not the case.


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@ Gérald can you post your import

I'll try to do it for you as soon as possible tonight at best not available before

@+ -))

in the meantime I must be able to convert an edge that takes up the curves into a 3D sketch

with this 3D sketch you should be able to make a surface that corresponds to a face 

and this face must be foldable

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