Keep the view displayed on the screen


I often need to memorize a view of a mechanism.

To do this currently, what I'm doing is that I create a coordinate system that I position as I want for example with the 3 Euler angles and then I place myself in this coordinate system to select the view that I want.

But, I'd like to get directly to the view that I have on the screen. Is it possible to keep in mind the view we have on the screen or create a shot that is directly parallel to the screen so that we can quickly find the view that appears to us on the screen?

This would be convenient for me because otherwise with my technique I spend a lot of time changing step by step the values of the angles that position my reference point to find a view that interests me.

The objective would be to use the mouse to put the mechanism in a chosen orientation and then to be able to easily save this orientation directly.

Thank you in advance for your help.

I hope you understood me....


We have to create a camera.




And then, can you tell me a little more about the method to apply?

Thank you in advance for your help.

there is not much more to say,

you add a named view (sometimes called camera)

To return to  this view, you go back to the same place, select your named view and click on Apply