Manage properties for Word files in EPDM


Thanks to EPDM, can we upload in a word file the properties defined in a file card specific to these files.

Example: File number, revision index, etc.

Or does anyone have experience in managing Word files with EPDM

Thanks in advance

Here is a procedure that allows you to create a TREE COPY in  EPDM while keeping the links to each of the files. This allows you to place a SolidWorks-like command that corresponds to the TAKEAWAY COMPOSITION. The advantage is that you will be able to make a " COMPOSITION TO GO " of any type of file such as Word, Excel, Text, etc.

So here is the interest of the TREE COPY.


See this track if it suits you

@+ ;-))



I had managed to bring up an EPDM property in an Excel file. I had added a macro in the file and in a cell formula I recalled this macro. I don't remember the formula too much, but @flegendre could well have a saving save.

Now to put this in a Word, I don't really see how to do it live, apart from integrating an Excel table (even if it only has one cell!) and using this formula and macro.

From memory, but to be taken with a pinch of salt, the macro only had 2 or 3 lines with something like a getproperty.

Thanks gt22 for the TREE COPY command that I didn' t know, but I'm really trying to bring up the properties of a map in the file managed by this same map.

I'm going to explore Benoit.LF's Excel solution.


To answer the question I had asked, I submitted the problem to axemble support who gave me the answer.

It is quite possible to report EPDM properties in a Word file.

The approach is variable mapping and this is explained in the EPDM 2013 Administration Guide.

I had the 2009 version and the variable mapping only existed for .xls files.

Thank you for your contribution.

Have a nice day
