Contact and Gravity Management in an Animation


I have just made a bale sorter, with 3 different Ø and a chute in which these bales pass, I want to make an animation so that they arrive in 3 different crates.

My problem is that in the animation configuration, I select all the pieces with the contact icon and I add a gravity, but my balls fall without touching the chute.

If you have any advice, it annoys me a little I admit.

Thank you



The first tip in this kind of problem is to increase the number of steps in the animation.

It defaults to 25; set it to at least 100.


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ok thanks, but will this solve my contact problem?

and especially where do I find the pitch adjustment?

To be able to manage contacts correctly, you must first be on the MOTION Add-in "Motion Analysis".

To set the study pitch, go to "motion study properties" and increase the pitch to at least 100 instead of 25 


Great thank you I'll look at this with a rested head