Stock management with excel according to solidwoks bill of materials


I am looking to carry out a stock management with image and link (PDF plan) of the room or the set.

I created in solidworks bills of materials for each assembly in excel format and passed my plans in PDF.

I would like to put all this in relation so as not to make a mistake when other people who do not have solidworks take care of the file.

In addition, the person in charge of the machining would like to have access to the PDF plan without having to search for it under several different folders because my assemblies include a lot of parts under different folders and folders.


For me, I would see the EPDM solution that allows you to do all this and more!



Have a nice day


Thank you, but I'm looking for a free solution instead. (I'm alone in the BE)


From Excel, you can easily add hypertext links between the designation of the part or assembly and its PDF plan for example (provided that you are all on the same network).

For stock management, I think you have to start with macros but it seems less obvious to me. What is the basis of your initial stock to start with: dedicated or common with other projects?


I did something similar to for the plans, but do you have any knowledge of Visual  Basic?



For the image and link to the pdf it's indeed simple with Excel. You have to take a screenshot of the part, paste it into the nomenclature and create a hypertext link to the pdf file. If you want more details on how to create the link, don't hesitate to ask.


For stock management, it is easier to have a global bill of materials rather than a sub-assembly bill of materials. We can see directly the total quantity of parts that are used in several sub-assemblies.

To answer you "Chamade":

The problem with putting links in the excel file is that I regularly update parts and together in solidworks and therefore the excel files I get from solidworks are new (redone each time).

I thought there  was a little app to manage all this. Excel database according to my files (which is automatically updated in a mini software) and which could have done a stock management for me.

Thank you


To answer you "Lucas Prieur":

No, I have no notion in visal basic.

But if you have an example I'm interested just to be able to base myself on it.

Thank you

A priori, updating a part does not require you to redo your nomenclature. If you have an independent management file, there are no problems. At worst, you have to relink to the plan you modified.

Strictly speaking, if you evolve a part, it is a new reference in your stock, so you should add a line and not redo the whole list.

After that, we even start to integrate configuration management...

We (before switching to EPDM) worked like this:

The manufacturing parts (SLDDRW plan) stored on the BE server were all converted into eDrawing (but it also works in PDF) via BATCHCONVERTER (every evening) and placed in a single directory on a server accessible to the Method/Manufacturing/Assembly services.


Attached is the "type" setting of the utility to do as described above.

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Thank you all for having and looking.