Managing Virtual Components by PDM

Always in the middle of configuring PDM Std, and more precisely the creation of data maps.

I wonder about virtual components registered within an assembly and whose part file does not really exist; We use this method for our overmolded components for which the overmolded plastic part cannot exist without the insert. Their DFN is an assembly file with the insert as a classic component - saved in a .prt file externally, and the overmold which is a virtual component - saved within the assembly.

Is it possible to assign a data card to a virtual component that can be viewed from Windows Explorer? Or will only the assembly map be searchable and then the need to create a specific data map for this type of file appears?

Thanks in advance for the info.


A priori it is possible with PDM Enterprise:

See the PDM Standard Help.

Hello Silver Surfer, it seems to me that you can't create a data card for a virtual component. According to the training I had, they used virtual components only to symbolize elements without "change" (such as the floor, wall, etc...)


@PL, in the link you propose, they talk about virtual documents and not virtual components, I don't know if it's the same logic ...


Good evening

To my knowledge not possible even with the pro version.

Virtual components are considered to be out of the vault so no associated functionality.

For a data card to be searchable, a physical file saved in the storage space is required.

Virtual documents are indeed something else altogether (an equivalent of an empty shell that allows data to be used in EPDM internal bills of materials that is totally different from SW)