Managing properties during configurations in SmartProperties

Hi all

We use SmartProperties to fill in the properties of our rooms, some of which have configurations. So some properties are filled in in the "document-related properties" tab , others in the "configuration-related properties" tab, and even for some parts properties that are populated in the "document-related" and "configuration" tabs.

Very often, we make a copy of an existing assembly and parts in order to modify it to new customer needs.

The problem is that when using a copy of a part, we don't always see that properties have been filled in in the "properties related to the document" and in "configuration" tabs.

So when saving, we fill in the correct properties in the "related to document" tab, but we don't always see that there are properties in one of the configurations. 

Obviously the nomenclature uses by default the properties of the configurations that do not correspond to those desired, hence our problem.

Apart from a systematic and time-consuming check of all dimensions and plans, we would like to know if there is a

To partially remedy our problem, we would need a way to systematically warn the designer that there are properties in SmartProperties, filled in in the "configuration" tab. Is there a way, a trick, a macro or in the settings?

Thank you in advance


Why not use the "Integration" tool to edit the list of parts or assemblies with a configuration number greater than or equal to 1?

With us, to avoid this kind of problem, the "Smartproperties" information is always linked to the configuration, never to the document. Even if no configuration exists.

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How do I make sure that it's always related to the configuration without me having to check the box all the time?

Thank you in advance for the answer(s)

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