Isometric grid on drawing and sketch

Hi all

Could you please help me, I would like to display an isometric grid on a drawing for piping?

Is it possible on a sketch to display an isometric grid for the layout of a pipe?

Thank you in advance for your answers.



apart from making a block of the grid in ISO and importing it into the MEP, I don't think it exists in ISO.



There are grid options in Solidworks sketches and drawings:

Maybe that's what you need

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Hello Froussel,
Yes, but it's not ISO grid.

See link=>Tip: How to create an isometric grid in less than 2 minutes!

Have a nice day.


Another method that is a bit similar to that of @ac_cobra_427 is also to do it in the 3d but by modeling it with a square + repetition as a starting point (+ symmetry to enlarge according to the original square in the case where the grid is in the room)
Otherwise make a " grid " part that we insert into an assembly (which would perhaps be simpler which boils down to a repetition on 2 axes of a square).
for the @A.R grid, it implies a third party software that we don't necessarily say that it corresponds once in the MEP.

Also to see if you need verticals, but that's another story.


Thank you for your answer. Indeed I didn't find anything in my research. There is a grid, but not an isometric one.

Good evening, thank you for your answer. It seems good to me for my use.
Maybe you have to insert vertical lines.

Good evening, thank you for your answer. I must try all your ideas.
I apologize for answering all of them without knowing if my answers are seen by all those who have answered me. I discover this site and
moreover, I am also new to SolidWorks.
Thank you for your help.

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Yes, we see all the answers.
In either case, it is enough to draw a diagonal of the square in one direction or the other. and it should be a joke, since you always have to be tricked to have something under SW ^^ but it makes the brain work hihihi