Notching of a bent sheet

Hi all

I am looking for a solution to be able to do a notching on plaice made in a slotted hole with a bend radius of 5mm.

The sheet metal is made by 10mm clocking over its entire height.

After several tries, it was impossible to find a solution.





An image is often preferable to a coin, impossible for those who are in a version older than yours to open it and therefore answer you.

At best you join the 2.

I finally managed to make my slotted holes with the inner folds and the 1mm notches.

But for this, I had to remove the 10mm crocs on the entire height of the sheet.

Now I'm looking for a solution to do the crocs. :-)

Clearly, I don't know in what sense she means to do the design. Do I start by modeling the hooks or first the holes?

If you have an idea?



I'm sending you a piece made by sketching and not with a succession of broken lines in the sketch.

With this method you can carry out any cutting or operation (material removal, new folding, extrusion etc...) AND of course the unfolded ones work. On the other hand, the attached file is in 2021 SP2 version + screen images



Attached is a solidworks 2022 version.

You have to make the cuts and repetitions before the final folding.

the crocs must also be compatible with the value of the repetitions of the cuts



To make your basic shape. Make a sketch with a radius to then make a real configurable sketch that will allow you to choose the number of facets, + other very complete options. See pj


@ to all,

Maybe it's off topic:)

It reminds me of a similar problem, it was a pinned tube with embossed rib where it was not possible for me to model with the shape tools since the part was not developable, and contrary to this subject, these shape tools were essential for my case, so I wonder if SW has brought anything new on this case, If only @Le_Bidule @TONIO you could do a simple :) test. 

Hello everyone,

Thank you for all these answers, each time I feel like I get there is always a way that works according to the different methodology used.

I have a number and a positioning in terms of facets to respect but this blocks systematically.

Here's where I am and I'm still stuck.

If people have solutions I'm interested in SW2021


Attached is an approach to get inspired, volume modeling and sheet metal conversion;)



One more proposal (with SW 2021).
Good luck...


Good evening everyone 

I would have liked to make the same model but without the facets (crocs).

On the other hand, I find myself with another problem which is that the bends in the slotted holes do not appear after unfolding the sheet.

Here is an example and a photo. The area where I have to make the slotted holes is a curve with a radius of 1570mm.


Vincent, this is the problem I pointed out above, if you make the finished piece it will not be foldable, and if you go through a flattening, it is not foldable,

That said, I see that you can insert plaice in the flattening without going through the shape tools, which is still not possible under SW18, so I deduce that they have started to make improvements on this point:)

To sum up, I doubt very much that you have to make 2 parts (configuration), a finished part for presentation, and another for manufacturing, i.e. project the positions of the holes if it's a punching (stamping), or add the sides if it's for cutting;) 

In the shaft go up the function PLIER1 just below Enrem mat-Extru 1, then you redo your 2 sheet metal functions bent on edges. And you'll see how it works