DXF File Crosshatching



I am looking for a software that would allow you to make precise crosshatches

We start with an image that we transform into DXF (using Corel but do you know anything else?)


So we have black and white areas

The black areas should be hatched and the white areas should be left as they are.

for the hatching, we  should be able to choose the spacing (2-4-6 microns)


Does anyone know of a software that would allow you to do something like this?


I would have liked to  choose something other than solidworks as a CAD product but no choice it seems


thank you in advance





Try the free version of DraftSight.



See this tutorial for hatching in draftsight 



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Indeed, DraftSight is free and is quite biased for hatching.


To download DraftSight:


A tutorial on hatching:


Draftsight C is to fill in once the DXF is done. But starting from a vectorization of the image, is there no way to fill with shapes like in Illustrator?

Of course you have to create your typical hatching the first time but then it rolls by itself.

I used corel before but that was before .... since illustrator -> draft I clean up and I enter everything in SW in sketch. From there by filling in my material and volume I have the hatching





The problem is that the image we have is in A4 format and there are thousands of small areas that need to be hatched so it's difficult to do it manually.



I ask the question in case another solution is possible, but what is the purpose of these hatchings?

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Then the solution proposed by @Gérald is surely the most practical:

  • Get a dxf from Corel or Illustrator
  • Cleaning up this dxf via Draftsight for example
  • Opening this dxf with SolidWorks in a part, to use it as a sketch
  • Extrude this sketch to obtain a volume, then save this part
  • Create a drawing of this part and insert a section that will automatically give you the hatching.
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+1 @Aurelien because yes if the hatching doesn't represent the mantier, what are they for?

Then the A4 format doesn't matter because you can resize the image or the sketch in SW.

@gt22 your tutorial on the image that we resize to draw a sketch on it.

For the sake of confidentiality I propose a trial in PM. I'm working on a similar subject for another colleague from Lynkoa, because having the tools allows you to know the feasibility 


for example a simple aluminum profile image recovered on A4 ech 12/1 sheet vectorize illustrator export DWG, clean DWG with draft and import in sw as a 2D sketch


These hatchings are used to make laser marking.


I understand the principle of making a DXF and then putting it in solidworks but to select the hundreds of small sections is not possible in this way


Yours truly, 



What we need is software to create a DXF with a small 2-3μm hatching because we do precision laser machining.


only this very small hatching creates a lot of data and it's difficult to do it it seems...


I tested the file change with Corel in DXF but it's a very bad aspect...

then go from DXF to solidworks sketch file and it already lags quite a bit

then I do an extract and it takes a long time...


So to reduce processing times we would like to cut the DXF into small areas and then process them

How do you think we could do it?


thank you in advance

Post a plan or image

(since according to your attached image we see some hatched rectangle and the rest is empty of line)

of what you want to understand your problem

with odds

@+ ;-))

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for laser engraving!

Do you have a laser that engraves to the micron? Now I'm pentois because I haven't worked on machines with less than 0.1 mm. 

Your problem makes sense to me now, so I suggest the function repetition on sw which goes faster than the extruded sketch repetition. 

GT22 posted a tutorial on it, subject addressed in one of my questions about a honeycomb for laser machine.


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Ah, the question about honeycombs:D

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We have lasers called femtosecond. 

the pulse duration is around 200femto second and the power is 20W.

This therefore has a very high peak power and allows us to machine a lot of materials. It is also possible to machine sapphire ... (well that's the R&D part that knows more)

In general, we do 20x20mm  or 40x40mm machining

We also usually have a DXF at the beginning and our engraving software does the hatching. To do this we need to open the DXF in our software and we need to put a flag in the letters of a text (e.g. for example) that we want to engrave.

This is therefore an impossible thing to do with hundreds or even thousands of DXFs.

Moreover for the moment it is not possible to do this with a large DXF because our software transforms the DXF into a bitmap and if we take a 10mmx10mm image with a 2μm hatching it is a lot of data because (basically) we have an info every 2μm


so we're a bit stuck because we don't know how to manage large DXFs.


He is also capable of doing what is called "split field"

When you have a 50x50mm DXF (for example) you can divide it into 10x10mm areas and do a machining with overlap.

Either if the DXF is small enough, the software is able to do the cutting 

Otherwise, if the client gives us cut DXFs, we can do the same thing by placing ourselves in the center of the 10mmx10mm area (to mark the first area) and then move 10 to 10 to mark the rest of the areas. 

We have precise axes (in general) at +/-2μm.



if anyone has any ideas I'm all for it.





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As additional information, we have an image in file. AI  (black and white) that we know how to transform into dxf but they are completely different shapes.

In addition I tried to make an extrusion of the DXF but there are common points in some areas and the extrusion does not work for areas with a common point.


@Gerald, we're waiting for you on the question!! :)