Variable section conical propeller


What function do we use to make a conical helix with variable cross-sections (see jpg file)

Have a nice day


I found it!

Inserting bossing smoothing of the 2 sections, then "parameters of the construction line and select the propeller", then validate!


Indeed, don't confuse construction line and guide curve ;-)

Good evening Max59

I'm new to SolidWorks, what do you call a guide curve??

The curve that guides your function (the helix curve in your case)

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Hello Mr. Skorzewski,


FYI, a construction curve is what drives the neutral  fiber of your profiles (i.e. the center of your profiles). It's going to keep your section constant all along this path, in your case the center of your circle.

A guide curve will drive one point on your profile to the next one that only follows that trajectory. Only the departure and arrival profiles will be respected

It's up to you to create your guide curves according to your needs to force your volume to have the trajectory you want according to points in your profiles. (see examples in attachment)


Have a nice day.



Thank you Mr. Alves, have a good day.

Kind regards