HELP! nothing on the screen!

Hi all


A big bug this morning... nothing more on my screen while in the tree structure everything is present (see photo).... I have recorded everything, closed and reopened but nothing helps....




Thank you


Try to select a room and right-click: zoom in on the selection (magnifying glass with a = in it).

or try to open the parts of your assembly.

Small question does it only do you on this assembly?

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Hello, a save under doesn't change anything?

When I open the parts from the assembly, they open normally...

And yes it only does it on this assembly, and all of a sudden because 10 minutes before everything was working normally.


so with your zoom = solution, it shows me the assembly with a very crappy definition!!!

Well obviously it's when I try to turn my vision with the wheel!! What for? I don't know, especially since it worked before!!

See if it's not your symmetry that's going crazy

If you know what symmetry it is, you remove it

Test and tell us @+;-))


A picture to see?

Have you tried to close and re-open?

Maybe as .pl says

A save under can help you.

And reinstall the latest graphics card drivers from the SolidWorks site?



I tried the zoom on =, it works (see photo) but everything goes wrong... And the definition is weird.


So I'm going to tnter it as and we'll see then I'll try the update of the drivers


The last line of your tree it is note symmetrical components 3 why

erase and look at what it looks like, I'm sure the blame comes from the

you must have done symmetry of symmetry 


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And in display? Is there nothing fishy?

Have you restarted your position?

Yesterday mine had a crazy fit, with a completely crazy display (see image) that was solved by restarting everything!

If that's not enough, try to delete (disable) the functions added to your assembly, to see if the display improves, and if that's not enough, delete the components one by one, always to locate where the problem comes from.

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I removed the symmetry and nada.... See PJ


ok benoit,


I'm going to try this, I've already stopped SW but not the PC...


we'll see.... to +

I just closed everything, shut down the pc and restarted.... And the same..... Park

So try the rest of my proposal:

"If that's not enough, try to delete (deactivate) the functions added to your assembly, to see if the display improves, and if that's not enough, delete the components one by one, always to locate where the problem comes from."


well that's it... The problem comes from the second propeller assembly that I had inserted, and which obviously poses a problem. Once deleted it seems to start again...

I'll try to put it back on to see...


Thank you for your help

Thank you all...


Indeed I had a pb with an imported assembly that put the souk...

Without the assembly it is better, I will try to put it back now to see...


Thank you in any case

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It's different for me, I see my office instead of my room....


I have the Sw taskbar, I don't have the tree or the right pane and I have my desktop behind in transparency...

If it's an assembly with imported parts, try to make import diagnostics on each part.

Even if no signs of error appear on the bodies, the import diagnosis can find wobbly geometries.

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