Highlight changes in the drawing

Hi all

I was told about a feature that would highlight the changes made to a part according to the versions during drawing. For example, a length that increases on a function and the function (at least its contours) itself becomes red. I already do this principle with my dimensions where I change the colors of the dimensions that have been modified, but I was not aware of a function that would do the same thing directly on my part.

Is this possible? And if so, how? Thank you in advance.

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See if it can meet your expectations.


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It doesn't fit, no. As I said, I change the colors of the dimensions myself to show the changes. I'm talking about changing the color of areas that have changed from one product version to another (changing the length of a feature, adding a new feature, etc.).

See this tutorial http://www.lynkoa.com/tutos/3d/design-checker-et-draw-compare

it also allows you to compare either a room or a plan according to 

@+ ;-)

Thank you GT22, they are good tools but not exactly what I was asking for. I was told that there is a function in Solidworks to highlight version differences. I'm waiting to see if that's really the case or not at all. I'll keep the tutorial aside! Very practical

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To my knowledge, this is the one and only way to compare




but I could be wrong ;-)




Edit: Never tested so let's see if it's effective.



Never heard of it either. But for your MEPs you can use this:


Edit: Sorry Cyril.f I hadn't seen your answer!

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I didn't know this works but it seems great

In the link I put it disables the option to highlight the modified ribs. Simply re-dimension the box so that the dimensions change color if the piece has been modified.

Thank you all for your answers, but at the risk of repeating myself, I am not trying to change the color of the rating but of the function that is modified. If I design for example a door handle and for example I add a drilling function to add an M6, what I would like is to highlight the drilling itself on the MEP, and not its rating.

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What you are asking for does not exist natively. Only the link of the online help corresponds to this "function", the rest are the utilities of volume comparison, drawing... Nothing dynamic to my knowledge and even less as requested. (or maybe I skipped something in the different evolutions of SW in recent years).

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