Watchmaking: animation of the detent of a spiral spring


So here it is, I have a project for my engineering studies where I chose to "make/create/assemble" a mechanical pocket watch.

Not being a pro at SolidWorks, I block on the part of the mainspring (basically on the part where there is a spiral spring that should relax and set the whole system in motion).

I can't find any way to create this part and or animate it.
So I'm calling on your help .=)


Look here and adapt it to your balance spring:

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Are you using the Solidwatch AddOn specialized for watchmaking and which is fully integrated with solidworks.

Otherwise, you have several ways to reach your goal.

The first is to understand how to make a spring animation, there are dozens of examples here.

The other way is to make a spiral from the sheet metal function, which allows you to have the flattening for the material flows

The third way is from the spring with the sheet metal function (see above) to use the bending function. Here is a tutorial that I made a while ago now

However, for the bending function, it depends on the travel of your spring (number of revolutions). For the animation you have to go after by motion, look at the ordinary spring animation, it will be the same for your spring.

You also have a lot of ready-made templates in Grabcad , it's the best way to see the different ways of doing things and to understand by looking at what others have done.

It all depends on how sophisticated you want your animation!

Kind regards