Custom "save as pdf" icon



I searched in the forum, and I couldn't find a solution to my problem...


I'm looking for an icon to make my job easier...


The desired function is as follows: Save as, then as PDF, without path management, since this icon will be applicable for all files...


Thank you in advance



You need to create a macro for this.

See with Lucas Prieur, he masters.

You should find this in the Tutorials.



You need a macro (which should be pretty simple given what you're describing).


Then, to create the button, follow this tutorial:


All you have to do is create a macro.


Launch a new one, and pretend you're saving-.pdf

Stop your macro.


Then you just have to insert it with the icon of your choice in your menu.


Good luck.


Be careful @Bart!


I tried your method and if we limit ourselves to that, the macro is used to save PDFs always under the same name and in the same folder : the one saved during the macro!! Less useful...


So this method can be a base but needs to be reworked...

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As much as for me, I hadn't seen the subtiity of the thing... ^^


In this case, do the macro as described above, and manually modify it so that it asks for the recording path.



As mentioned above, you can use the macro function by learning, then insert a "browse".


A way to open an explorer to browse in VBA:


I think the best thing to do is to start by yourself, macros are very useful in many cases to save time.


If you can't do that, paste the macro here and I'll watch.


Good luck!

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Here's a complete example of a VSTA macro


To be executed on a saved plan

It creates a PDF and DXF in the same folder as the SolidWorks document

In addition with examples of how to manage export options (DXF version, enable PDF color)


I commented on the code, it needs to be adapted...  



@jfaradon +1

it's going to take a day for me to put my nose in the macro I'm a real buzzard ;-(

thanks for the macro

@+ ;-)


To run it with a button you just have to create a custom "Macro" button, see screenshot

and select the DLL, (once unzipped choose DLL in the file selection box)



This creates a shortcut on the macro




I can see that we don't speak the same language both ;-(

I'm going to try to make a promised effort

don't hit my head

@+ ;-)

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I've tried several ways, but I can't... It must be said that I have never done macro....


Could someone help me?

