Is there a trick to wrap a text on a boss with revolution

To get a sphere I made a revolution, now I'm trying to wrap text on it problem it doesn't work.

Thanks in advance



Here is a tutorial that could help you:

But also see gt22's answer to this topic of discussion:



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Yes I think that the winding function, at least under SW 2014 does not work on spheres...

Maybe if you make a plane tangent to the sphere by writing your number on it and then using "separation line" it may suit you.

On the other hand, the sphere being a one-sided element, your number may be projected in front and behind, so you must first separate your sphere in 2.

Tell me if it's okay with you.

Kind regards.

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@Fab camp: No need to make a tangent plan. Simply tick single direction when creating the dividing line and the sketch can be positioned in the center of the sphere.

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Fab camp how do I do it afterwards to remove material? because I try but it doesn't work

I tested  in the following way sketch plan of the surface then remove surface material and it works




I made a tutorial presenting the different ways of doing "engraving" and allowing you to deal with most of the geometries. Indeed,  the winding function does not work on a sphere or a toric surface (it is essentially limited to cylinders and cones). In your case, a solution would be to switch to surface to limit an extrusion of your 5 by an offset surface. It's done well. I enclose my pdf support.


Good continuity

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Look there, a colleague (Benoît.LF) had already given the solution in another position. It works and it's clearly explained.

See this link everything is said as specified  @ vspemens

the file is available in SSw 2012


as Pierre Mihailovic says , relimitater of your extrusion with offset surface.

1/ Make your sketch on the middle plane of your room (on the one where you have your sphere sketch).

2/ Extrude your text beyond your sphere  surface without merging it (2 bodies).

3/ Make an offset surface of your sphere (the offset will correspond to your text thickness in relation to your sphere)

4/ Use  the "intersection" or "material removal with surface" function to remove excess from the extrusion.



With the "intersection" function you don't need to add the "delete bodies" function, you just have to check the "consume surfaces" box.
