Import of 3D models to SolidWorks


I am a student in a preparatory class and we are asked to carry out a TIPE (Supervised Personal Initiative Work) which is set by a theme, this year's being "Environments: interactions, interfaces, homogeneity, ruptures". With a friend we chose to focus on the aerodynamic interest of the "bumps" present on the fins of humpback whales, and their possible application on drone propellers . 

For this we want to use the Solidworks Flow Simulation module. This is where our problem lies: when we import 3D models of propellers (file in . STL) the surfaces "explode" into lots of small surfaces that make it impossible to calculate with Flow Simulation (when you highlight all the surfaces the software crashes). 

Could you tell me how to import it cleanly to avoid this problem, or would you have an idea to solve the problem directly?

Thank you so much.

(attached is a photo of the problem)


The best thing to do is to redesign the propeller

or find a propeller in a compatitle SW format


or see this link

you have an export of a blade in igs format


Hydrodynamics for the whale, I hope... ;-))

In terms of imports, the STL is the worst you can find.
Indeed, a clean model in a single surface will be ideal.

Keep us informed about your project, it's interesting


to see in the options before opening the STL:

File / Open / Choose STL / Options

in the STL line, try to put "Volume Body"

in the General line, enable "Polygon/Volume entities", and put "Try to form volumes"

Test, if not do the same but with:

in the STL line, try to put "Surface Body"

in the General line, activate "Polygon/Volume entities", and put "Stitched surfaces"


Thank you very much for your quick response we will try these tracks!

Count on us to keep you informed!

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Hi all

The solutions you had proposed to me unfortunately did not work, but after some more in-depth research I used the "Scan to 3D" module which allowed me to obtain a "smooth" propeller.

Unfortunately, as if that wasn't complicated enough, Flow Simulation doesn't "recognize" faces: when I ask it to calculate the force along a certain axis, it tells me that there is no force along that axis. However, I have created a fluid region rotating around this axis. The final objective is to calculate the lift of this propeller.

If anyone could help me, I would be eternally grateful. Don't hesitate to ask if you need screens.

Thank you in advance.

PS: gt22, do you think the Héliciel software would be suitable for calculating lift?

@ flo_flo19

If you followed the link the answer is in it

it's a log made for that ;-)

@+ ;-)