Import on sw from dwg


I would like to recover on SW15, elements created on AutoCAD (or equivalent) in DWG format.

But I don't get anything conclusive on the first test. 

On the attached image, I have the preview between draftshight (free standard) and the SW import.

When importing, sw displays an error message on the unimported entity, type solid3D.

We can see on draftsight that the model is composed of several blocks. If I blow them up, sw imports the entities. But as I would have several components to import, I am not finished...

Do you have a solution?


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For 3D the easiest way is to record in ACIS in DraftSight, you can open it with SolidWorks:

See also:


 Hi OPEP 27

Watch this video

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@gt22: it's by importing (like your video) that I get the result on the SW image. sw doesn't seem to import the solids (or 3D blocks).

@pl: Thank you.

It might take a long time to transfer everything! (1st test: 250 components to be processed)

because in addition I lose information on the only sketch I was able to import, because it does not transfer to ACIS. so I will have to recalibrate it with the .



By dragging the dwg into solidworks and checking this box (see image) it doesn't work?

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@bart: And no, I only get the flat sketch. Like the sight of SW.

Greetings, to import dwg in 3D, good luck because there are, to my knowledge, no miracle solutions...

Anyway you may have the sketches but no dimensions or constraints.


Enough to have fun to constrain everything.

Kind regards

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@gm: as they are components, once imported, I fix everything (or save it as a piece). But it's really the m... Still.

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Oh ok, otherwise you face by face! You select the Solid right plane, you insert the dwg, then you select the face plane, you insert the front sketch.......... 250 pieces.......

Honestly, Paris wasn't built in a day, I think you'll have a brief overview of it;)

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I didn't plan to rebuild Paris!!

and what's more, it's only the first lib. the next ones will come after!!

I'm going to convert them on the drawing board first... for fun.

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otherwise the mass conversion of dwg to acis, is it done on draftsigh? And without losing the name?


Can you reach the dwg?

Have you looked at your export? Haven't you forgotten an option?


When you open it with draftsight it goes back to 3d?

@gm: with your story on the side, I just checked, it's funny but during the conversion, I also change unit, I just passed into the world of minimoys.


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Oh well, you'll do Paris again in a model then:)

Normally when you insert a dwg into Solid, by default it scales it to 1. If in addition the dwg are rotten.....

Are you sleeping at the office tonight? Laughing out loud


I went to buy a few pallets of matchboxes... and buckets of glue.

@bart: Here's an ex.


ATTENTION I imported your dwg with Solid and you were in inches and not in millimeters, hence the village of minimoys!! :)

So normally, the model had the meter as a unit.

When I get it, I don't know why it's always on the go (no pun intended!) ...

But if not, do you get something more?

On my side, Draftsight has also packed its bags...

No, I only have the same thing as you... I can't test with Draftsight, I don't have it...



From DraftSight, you can also export to Edrawing, see attached file.

Can you do something with it with SolidWorks?
