Importing an excel file into solidworks

Hi everyone

I am a student and I am working on a theme of standardization of a machine, for this I have made a parameterization on solidworks, this by writing all the dimensions of the machine according to two essential dimensions (I have used mathematical equations), however I have reached a stage where I need to use more advanced in my table (condition function, to program a value.... etc), which is not possible in a simple table of solidworks equations, I made an excel file or I set everything up and I want to insert it directly into my solidworks file but I can't find a way to do that and link my machine dimensions to this external file so that if I change in my excel table, The quotations in the machine follow!!


The machine is an assembly of several components that are themselves parameterized

I have about 100 equations in the parameterization table

Please If you have a solution to offer me do not hesitate.

Thank you



Why do you say it's not possible via the table of equations directly?

Otherwise you can try to go through a part family that will be linked to your excel file or in another case, import a text file containing all your equations via the "import" button on the equations page of the solidworks design tree.




07/8/2019 2016 SolidWorks - Insert an external file as a scenario table 1/2 © 1995-2019 Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved. Inserting an External File as a Scenario Table You can create a scenario table as a separate Microsoft Excel file, and then use the Scenario Table PropertyManager to insert the file into your model. Preparing the Microsoft Excel File When you use scenario tables in the SOLIDWORKS software, it is important that they are formatted correctly. If you copy the contents of a part family and paste it into a new Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, follow the instructions below. To create a part family as a separate Excel file: 1. Open Microsoft Excel and create a worksheet. 2. Leave cells A1 and A2 blank. 3. In the first column (cells A3, A4, etc.), type the names of the configurations you want to create. Names can include numbers, but must not contain a forward slash (/) or the @ character. 4. In the second row (cells B2, C2, etc.), type the parameters you want to control. Parameters can be dimensions, features, or parts. Column headers are case-insensitive. 5. Enter the values for each parameter in the cells of the worksheet. 6. Save the spreadsheet. Inserting the Microsoft Excel File Select From File in the PropertyManager Part Family to insert a Microsoft Excel file as the scenario table. 1. In a part or assembly document, click Scenario Table (Tools toolbar) or click Insert > Tables > Scenario Table. 2. In the PropertyManager, under Source, select From File, and then click Browse to locate the Excel file. 3. If you want, you can select the Link to File option that links the family to the model. If you update a linked scenario table in Microsoft Excel and then open the SolidWorks model, you can choose between two options: 7/8/2019 2016 SolidWorks - Inserting an External File as a Scenario Table 2/2 Update the Model with Part Family Values Update the Part Family with Model Values You can set Update options in Tools > Options > System Options > External References. Set Update outdated linked part families from the On Request, Template, or Excel File setting. 4. Adjust the Edit Control and Options settings as desired. 5. Click . The spreadsheet appears in the model document, and the Excel menus and toolbars replace the SOLIDWORKS menus and toolbars. 6. Edit the family of parts, if necessary. When you are done editing, click anywhere outside the table to close it. A message appears, indicating the names of the new configurations generated by the scenario table, and the SolidWorks menus and toolbars reappear. Part Family appears in the ConfigurationManager. Double-click the configuration name or right-click the configuration name and select Show Configuration.



thank you for your answers

However what I want to do is not a family of parts or a configuration, it is rather a question of setting the dimensions of the machine to be able to manage the modifications of these dimensions, my goal is not to have several versions but it is to be able to change a dimension at any time and that the whole sequence of dimensions follows This change, I work on the same type of machine except that each time I have to adapt  some dimensions to the requirements of my client, I have set up all the dimensions with the "equation" tool in solidworks and it works by the way, now  I am looking to use other functions that are not available in solidworks ( scroll values, the function if.. condition.. Like what... etc), I did all the settings on excel but when inserting the file, it doesn't recognize it and it put all my settings in error. I tried with a text file and it worked but I want to insert the Excel file directly.

Here is a screenshot of what solidworks shows me during the insertion





This is the right course of action (see example)


On the other hand, why link equations in your excel file that are calculations (example: upper crossbar length = spar spacing + spar width) I think this value should not be linked (uncheck the box)

For the rest, you can very well put equations with conditions without problems.

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Solution 1: do it with a family of rooms, even if you have only one configuration

Solution 2 driveworks Xpress or pro

Solution 3 Pilotassembly visiativ tool (you need a mycadservice subscription)

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All the values I check turn red (source of error) 

After inserting the Excel file on solidworks, it is no longer accessible via excel (see the screenshot) which means that I will no longer be able to modify the dimensions which implies that my work has returned to 0

When I click on "OK" Solidworks gives me an error message, if I click yes it quits without saving the changes and if I click no it I can't close the table

In your opinion, how can I correct after inserting the table? And why did it damage my Excel file?

Thank you




You should avoid having excel open when you do this manipulation. And even less so the file in question.

Import into Soldiworks making sure Excel is closed.

Keep us informed

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Send us a composition to take away, we can do the test;)


Don't forget the Excel file, it will save us from retyping everything.

Here is the parameterized solidworks file as well as the Excel table that I want to insert

There are equations in the solidworks file but I want to remove them to use the excel file directly because it's better set up and it will make it easier for me to do my work

Thank you


the Excel file to be inserted 

Thank you 



Why would you want to delete equations in Solidworks? With me your formulas work without error.


If the goal is to control your assembly via an excel file, the easiest way is to go through a family of parts.

You also have the choice of the Xpress driveworks (or solo or pro depending on the license) which allows it to control your assembly via a simplified form.

There you would no longer have a formula in your project but directly in driveworks.



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