Impose loss on the fold

Hello; how to impose a loss on the bend on a bend of a piece that will have a bend vee different from the other bends  of the rest of the part,

Or if for example I have a sheet metal part made with a fold, and rolling, how can I impose a  loss on them at the bends for each of the modes of realization of the part since "one will be made with the bending machine and the other with the bending machine. Thank you for your answers.



It all depends on how you designed your room; but generally speaking, you have either "Bent Base Sheet1"  or "Edge1 Bent Sheet" and in both because you deploy them and you will have every bend of your part and there you right-click on the function of the bend you want to change and you check the "Custom Bend Area" box and you apply your settings.


Ditto ac cobra 427 I apply the general parameters on the part (loss table at the bend.

And on the fold I want to be customized (non-standard rolling or vee), I apply the function of the fold I am customizing.


It's not against you sbadenis but given that you do like me and that my answer is before I would have found it normal that it was the opposite! But hey, the main thing is that he has his answer...

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I prefer ac cobra 427, but I don't choose to marco42marc  rectified if he wants to!

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