Impose a minimum value on a coast


I created a global variable called "minimum value", and I would like to impose it on a dimension so that if you enter a value that is strictly lower than this, SolidWorks will display an error message. I hope I have made myself understood. 

Have a nice day

Part or assembly?

In a room, except macro, or hack (I'll come to this below), I don't think there is a simple solution.
In assembly, in the advanced constraints, there is a limit distance, but I don't know if we can only set a limit.

For the part, a hack consists of going through the equations (if value asked<limit, then variable 2 forced) and a function that would be mistaken by using "variable2".

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Thank you for your answer, it is indeed a play. In fact, this piece is a rather complex multibody. And I create it in such a way that it can be modified in the future by other people. The problem is that there are limits to the changes. If I understand correctly, I take a variable 2 and I associate it with an impossible function, and I put variable 2 in solution if the requested value is less than my minimum value?

Uses the sensor function:

With a side-rated sensor