Unable to put text in the description frame of the revision table


Even yesterday it worked. Has anyone ever had the same problem? In your opinion, it would be more of a problem due to the software or due to the computer?


Kind regards

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Good evening

I don't believe a problem with the software which is very stable but rather with its environment.
When you say "in the context of a description, it must be specified whether it is a first creation or in the modification of an existing one.

I suggest that you proceed by elimination

  1. which version of SW do you have and have you done an up-grade very recently
  2. Use PDM to drive a revision table
  3.   Make sure you still have the .sldrevtbt file that contains your information
  4.  What about your DRWDOT file?
  5. Edit your revision table and/or try to add a revision to your table, you will see what you have or don't have in your table.

That's it, to begin with, I leave it to our colleagues to complete or otherwise orient your search for a solution.

Kind regards

Same for me. I have the 2021 Sp5.1 version and this type of bug also happens for no reason. Regardless of the type of table (revision, general table, etc.) It is impossible to write a text in case. When I double click on the box it activates and then deactivates. Unable to add a value. The only solution is to shut down solidworks totally and restart.

Something astonishing. Having a pdf open at the same time seems to cause this bug. To be confirmed after several tries.