Unable to drag interrupted view cut


On an interrupted view, I can't drag the interrupt to make it bigger or smaller (I'm not talking about the interval between the symbols, but rather to " move " the interrupt on the view).

It works on other stations but not on mine, no matter how much I look in the settings I can't find anything different with the others.

Has anyone ever had this problem?

Thank you for your answers.

Are they not listed?
Possibly setting up a rib then hiding the rib is also possible.
Check that there are no hidden ribs or ribs connecting the part to this interrupt.
Here is a small representation with the dimensions that appear when you try to drag (under SW2020)


Never had this memory problem, a few questions though:

1.Which version of SW?
2. Have you checked that the auto-resolution mode is not disabled:

3. Does element A Ctrl+Q reposition interrupts?


Thank you for your answers :wink:.

This is the SW Connected 2024 version
There are no hidden odds (I can swipe on other users' posts).
The ctrl+Q doesn't do anything.

I have the impression that the interruptions are frozen but what is surprising is that this same plan on another workstation does not have this problem. I tried to reimport the settings from another workstation but it doesn't change anything.

It's funny that the same plan doesn't work in the same way on two different positions :thinking:

Are the other stations also in SW connected?


Yes they are all with the same SW Connected, we had a recent HotFix update and the posts in question have the same problem. 2 others don't have this problem but they were recently reinstalled because of an update problem.

Surprising indeed, it will end up in reinstallation I think :sweat_smile:

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Ha ba there you go, you seem to have the solution ^^. Your Hotfix update should have created a conflict