Unable to select "description" in SW properties


For the past few days I have been unable to choose anything from the "properties of the welded parts list" drop-down menu.

Do you please have a solution to give me?

Thank you in advance.


When you make the property file of your piece what do you have?


Is your data card well filled in?


In Tools, Options, File Location, looks for:

Custom property file

The indicated path must contain the file: properties.txt which configures the contents of this drop-down menu, if this is not the case you need to point to the right folder, the default one is:

C:\ProgramData\SolidWorks\SOLIDWORKS 2015\lang\english

Good luck 




To update your property list:

1) Go to the following address on your extension:

C:\ProgramData\SOLIDWORKS\SOLIDWORKS 2015\lang\english

There you will find a "properties.txt" file

These are your solidworks properties that will appear in the drop-down menu.


2) Edit this list according to your needs



Item Code


But above all, don't delete "ID punching"

3) Save the file once edited

4) Go back to Solidworks and click on options

5) In the "system options" tab, go to "file location"

6) In "show folders for:", scroll down the drop-down list to "Custom property files"

7)You will see the address of the list appear in the "folders:" box

To avoid any problems, delete it and retarget it by clicking on it => "delete" then "add" and go to the folder where you edited the "properties.txt" file

REMINDER: It's in C:\ProgramData\SOLIDWORKS\SOLIDWORKS 2015\lang\english but you can't copy the link, you have to retarget manually.

8) Click on ok in your "system options" (which will close them) and do a test on a part.

Check that the value you have to enter in the properties is indeed a text-type value and be careful not to be in the "configuration specific" tab but in the "customize" tab (see the screenshot attached)

Logically it's supposed to work properly.

Have a nice day.



In my opinion it's not a problem with the properties.txt file, it's more due to a problem of imported properties with the parts. Are there any parts inserted? (room within room)


For your information, the same goes for the welded parts

You can edit the file at the address "weldmentproperties.txt":

C:\ProgramData\SOLIDWORKS\SOLIDWORKS 2015\lang\english\weldments

Retarget the file location in the options

This time in "show folders for:" and you choose the drop-down list "Welded construction properties file"

Same way =>Delete then add and manually you will look for the folder where "weldmentproperties.txt" is located

Have a nice day.


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Thank you and especially mickael.alves! problem solved in less than 1 hour:)

This is a problem when you insert a part and choose to import the properties into the welded build list.

I get the same problem when I insert a part and check Properties from the Welded Parts List

On the other hand, when I reread myself and mickael.alves' answer , I tell myself that by putting the right properties in the weldmentproperties file it can work.

I'm going to test because I have a similar problem...

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