Unable to delete items from an assembly

Hi all

I'm coming to you because I can't find the solution to my problem.

I work on an assembly made up of parts that I have created and parts from a supplier's Step.

I had a green arrow that appeared on the imported parts -> I found the solution by searching on the forum. But elements that have been deleted from Windows Explorer remain grayed out in my build tree.
Unable to delete them (right-click or Delete key)
Unable to undo deletion -> see image

Thank you in advance for your help.



If you can, try to restore the files that were deleted in Windows Explorer.

Is the head assembly also an import?


In this case I have always been able to delete following a change of path for example, I don't get it. Never test with stl files or anything else but there's no reason why it shouldn't work like a part that has changed place.

Thank you for your feedback.

I am just as surprised as you are.

I go to the IT manager to restore the deleted items.

I'll keep you posted.


By recreating the deleted parts (even without any function in them) it allows me to undo the deletion and delete the elements that I could not delete.

Thank you for your help.
