Full-color 3D printing


Until now, the few cases where I have made parts in Print3D I took the standard color and with a single color.

This is different:

1°) I have several colors on the same piece

2°) several colors can be either on the same side (I make the separation between the with "dividing lines"), or on different faces.

3° is the coloring of the faces enough because in this case what color is the material at the heart of the part  (I guess it's standard material) in my case I don't have any machining in rework after the 3D printing so no risk if there is only coloring on the surface (I guess it's is the machine that only colors the surface with pigments mixed at the last moment or by changing the material)

Another question : can we print an assembly or do we have to convert the assembly to a single part for the file sent to the printer

Thank you for your wise and even enlightened advice as usual :-)


To my knowledge 

it is the matter that changes

The printer usually has several heads 

for the assembly either you want like the real so multipart to assemble 

or create a part of your assembly 

but it will only be a unique piece


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From what I've read, there are several technologies:
- multi-head machine so several materials;
- Staining as you go along.

For the assembly, it depends if you want to have something moving  or an overall volume. I saw a machine that used 2 materials, including a soluble one that allowed you to print nested parts (the demo was an unremovable but "functional" wrench).


Hello, the new HP 3D printer with voxel (3D pixels) will have color printing capacity (the 16 million)


In summary I glue a voxel by giving it a color, result you can print a rainbow gear

For more information: aurelien.prigent@visiativ.com



Thank you gt22, stefbeno and Gérald-FCA.

I know that 3D printers have been doing extraordinary things for quite a few years and the rainbow is a good example

What concerns me is what I have to do in solidworks because defining the color of a whole object or only one or two faces out of 8 faces we have to do, but!!!!

In other words, how the voxels are transmitted to the machine, is it a special file format using specialized software or the native format of solidworks colorized in SW is enough.

On the advice of Gérald, I will ask Aurélien Prigent the question and I will keep you informed.

Thank you all