3D printing to make masks against COVID19

Hi all
    I relay a message from an Alsatian teacher to make protective masks against covid19.
They are simple to make and take little time (see the templates on GoogleDrive, below)
Be well


Guillaume Fonné, a construction teacher at the Schwendi high school in Ingersheim, has initiated the manufacture of face protection masks by 3D printing in his high school. A team of teachers  is at work.  Mask printing initiatives are multiplying on the net and social networks, but the demand is high.

About this mask, Guillaume Fonne says that the model has been improved and has gained in comfort. It was successfully tested on Monday by general practitioners in Colmar on home visits to patients possibly infected with COVID19. Nursing homes and retirement homes have no equipment, dentists who continue urgent care, liberal nurses.... and we are not talking about the hospital environment (but I think that our impressions may not be adapted to it). There is still time to print out. As for the screen, it is made with an A4 sheet of overhead projector  or in transparent file covers, there are still stocks in our high schools. Two 50 mm radius fillets are cut from the bottom of the screen with a cutter, laser cutter or simply with scissors.


Could you relay this message to the teachers in your schools who would be able  to contribute to this project ? The idea is of course to mobilize as many 3D printers as possible in  the Strasbourg district and beyond.  The  distribution of masks would be local and organized by each establishment, as well as the information to potential recipients.  

In attached files, the numerical models and below a link to a cloud with these same files in different versions (subject to evolution).

Eric Chazalette, IEN ET STI

Academy of Strasbourg



The models can be modified and improved"


Good evening

Visuals would be welcome. It's a way to see and know what you're downloading, rather than having to do it blindly. Thank you.


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Here's an image of what there is to print:

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Thank you Alain  ;-)

One wonders why they created the extra yellow clips instead of doing them in the same room.
A small topological optimization to consume 53% more matter would not be a bad idea. Because less material means shorter time to print in wire deposits.

Obviously, you have to find someone with the optimization or "generativ design" software to improve the design.    ;-)

Maybe someone from Visiativ with the topology optimization software could stick to it.  Isn't it @Clémentine     ;-)
This would make an excellent example of optimization in the service of humanity (not the newspaper, but the human race)

If you have used welding helmets, replacing the opaque glass must do it ;-)

Kind regards

Note that this must be the headband model (anti-spittle) while the model that is put around the neck is more effective up close because the airflow is forced to pass through the top and more restricted from the sides. And what's more, he doesn't take the lead.


Good morning,

I invite you to also look at this more simplistic version which is no less effective.

Here is the link to the video that explains how to create the link between the medical world and the manufacturer.

link to the video that explains everything: youtube.com/watch?v=tAcXuqAD4Tk (which has already been talked about in some media)

Link to the support: https://www.leetchi.com/c/covid3d-la-plateforme-qui-met-en-relation-makers-et-professionnels-au-contact-du-public (if you are  like me unable to manufacture, a helping hand always does good given the circumstances)


By the way, do you have your impressions running at full speed?

Kind regards



Hello @Alain.

Where can we find the beard filter? Because for nurses dense filter does not grow in 7 days.

NOOOoooon don't bang my head!  anyway I'm already far away ;-)   ;-)

To pluche

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Hi @Zozo_mp,
Very judicious remark!
I hadn't seen that the teacher's beard was so outdated. We need a special beard cap.
Otherwise, Pelloux had pointed out at the beginning of the crisis that the beard was a carrier of possible microbes (and therefore the virus).
To think about to find a compromise.

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Well, Aliende, in my humble opinion, even if you have the virus on your face, it's better to have it on your beard than in the corner of your mouth. Beard which, by the way, can also be washed. Although more complicated for Panoramix.

The beard is more of a problem for a good hermeticism of masks than a sanitary one.

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