Printing with educational license indication


My design office has old Solidworks files that print randomly with the indication "education license" at the bottom of the plans, and the problem seems to come from a bolt library that was used in the modeling.

(The frequency of appearance of the annotation is practically systematic since our transition to the 2016 sp2 version)

Is there a way to remedy this, other than the systematic removal of all bolts?



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No, the only solution is to remove all components with the student icon (in the shape of a student hat).



No, it's not possible: you can see in the 3D assembly tree that some components have a student hat symbol: you have to completely redraw these files from a blank page to delete the annotation on the plans, see here:

And this has nothing to do with the update in 2016.

Be careful, the 2016 SP3 was released 2 weeks ago and solves a lot of bugs! We have to do the update as soon as possible!



Look in the /option/ drawing tool if "Print watermark out of sync" and unchecked.

May the force be with you


Edit: as I said above, it doesn't work, you have to completely redesign the part.

One can try to solve the problem with the myCAD utility called CopyOptions:

We choose a reference document that is not created with a student license, and we choose as a document to modify the documents with the student hat.

Excerpt from the help:

Presentation of the "CopyOptions" utility

CopyOptions allows you to copy SolidWorks options from a reference document (part, assembly, or drawing) to one or more documents of the same type.

This tool also allows you to automatically replace your basemaps according to the format of the document. This can be useful for standardizing documents from various sources to facilitate exchanges with subcontractors and partners.

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Thank you for the speed of your answers.


I'll try your solutions.



There is a small piece of software in the solidworks folder that removes the logo from the parts of the toolbox, try to see it for the logo tin. I've already used it for the toolbox parts but never tested it for the student logo. To try

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If there was a solution to get around this problem other than the total removal of the offending components, I think Dassault Système would be a bit of a headache, since student and pro licenses are not really at the same price.


The only way to do this is through the screenshot

and you print your copy

if it's toolbox pieces created from a student log

These parts must be redone with a Pro log

so remove all the incriminating parts and the refaires no choice ;-(


(that's what it's like to make interns work with the student log)

@+ ;-)


look at the situation doesn't have multiple toolbox libraries

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Like everyone else, I think you have little choice (at least within the law): you have to redo the parts with a professional license and not a student one!

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.PL copy option doesn't work for this.

I had already tried it.

For Manu67 it doesn't work either, I just tested on a part that had been designed under student license as well. Shame.

Like everyone else, you don't have much choice, you have to redesign with a pro license


 I repeat........................ The only way to do this is a screenshot and print the copy

but of course take the files created under educ and recreate them in a pro version

and register them in a personal professional library

@+ ;-)

Hello, I confirm like the others I had the case, we had to redo the parts. If you have parts in pieces also made from educational license, you will save time to redo everything....

Good luck!!!! Only Solidworks can help you, we sent them all the parts made with an educational license, and they sent them back to us without the hat logo. After how did they do it!? Mystery.


Kind regards