

to print my blueprint folders, I use "file printing" in the SW job scheduler. on the other hand I have to print in two times and by sorting "portrait and landscape" because in my files I have A4, A3, A2. So my question is this, would there be a way to print in landscape or portrait without having to sort?

Thank you for your answers.

Kind regards.


Hello, what version of sw are you?


I believe that, unfortunately, there is no solution.

We asked ourselves the same question some time ago, and we didn't find anything.

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For SW before 2013 or 2014 there is "CSW" a CADWAR tool

otherwise I think custom tool  is fair


May the force be with you


Look at the bar at the top where you have the printer icon. You expand by clicking on the arrow and you go to layout and there you check Use the settings of this document and scales 100%. It will print its according to the settings of the sheet, no need to choose the format. (9:17 a.m. break)

Thank you

@ ac.cobra 427, I tried but it doesn't work for me because I get a landscape plan on a protrait!

Hello, before to do this I used Powerprint which was in the mycadtools. But it's been a long time since I've used it.

In fact, you predefined the printouts in relation to the layout in the documents, and then the software took care of everything at the time of printing.

Sometimes it was very practical.

Kind regards



If you follow MyCad then goes through Power Print. It manages the format, the orientations, the printers and everything.


Indeed, Powerprint does this very well, it separates the plans according to the format on the right printer (or plotter) and detects the format automatically.

On the other hand, it is not possible to schedule a time for the start.

We launch it at lunchtime or in the evening when we leave.