Print a scale drawing?

Hi all


I am a neophyth with the solidworks software, I designed a drawing and to be able to print it I have to reduce the scale to 1:400 so that it fits in the page df'print,  I have several problems


First, in this mode, it prints the drawing, which I'm not sure is to scale, and it doesn't print the background plan

I used in Scale layout mode at best in this mode ill prints the basemap and I'm sure that my drawing is not to scale.


Can someone help me.


Thank you for answering me.



Hi, if you want to check that it is to scale, you can make a line of a given length with a dimension and then you can measure it on your printed sheet.



To keep the right proportions, you usually have to scale 100% in the printing options (even if it means losing part of the background plan).


Thank you for the answer,


But I understood that you have to set the proportions to 100% but in this case I lose the basemap, there must be a way to print the drawing to scale while keeping the cartridge (Basemap).


Thank you again for your answer.

The entire background disappears or just the frame around the sheet?

Maybe start by checking (via right click on the background, property), that the format is A4 or A3.




Very stupid and basic question... but the background map is A4 or another format? And what format are you looking to print in?


If you print A3 on A4 for example, your scale will not be good


To find out what your basemap is like, you have to right-click on the tab at the very bottom (sheet1, etc) => property => and look at what it gives you. You can also change the background map if you don't like it


Edit: oh well, we crossed paths in the idea@Stefbeno


Thank you all,


I'm getting closer to solving the problem, as you can see on the attached image, I changed the cartridge for an A3 fomat, I was able to crop my drawing on this cartridge, and the attached image is the print preview, it's missing part of the cartridge, And there's indications at the top of the page, the file name as well as the page number at the bottom. I believe I have entered them in previous tests.


What parameter should please modify to remove these inscriptions


And by switching to A4?

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But what output format do you want to print? Did you tell your printer that it's for A3?

Thank you for the answer,



My printer was in a format other than A3, unfortunately my printer cannot print A3 format I had to put my drawing in A4 format.


There is still the file name at the top of the page and the number at the bottom of the page and my problem is solved. Thank you again for your support.





Here is an image when I click on preview before printing A4 format used, I always find the two inscriptions at the top and bottom of the page




The problem is solved, I found out why it was printing the top of the page and the bottom of the page, there is an option in printing to put something in the top of the page.   I added a top of the page by mistake.


Thank you to everyone who helped me.



What is the option exactly? It could be useful to others.

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For future information, when you click on the Header/Footer option,  you can set the header and the footer
