Include geometric constraints in a pattern

How can we preserve the geometric constraints of a component when performing a repeat?
Thank you for any help.

Hello @spectrum

If I understand correctly, you have a component in an ASM that is fixed by classical constraints.
When you do your repetition, obviously it doesn't reproduce the same constraints.
But it's the repetition function that places the object at the interval you have indicated to it. That's why the repetition function is a special function in the creation tree.
The same goes for the symmetry function!

Can you specify in the case you cite what constraints you expected.

Kind regards

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It all depends on the amount of repeated components, but it is possible to use the "Copy with constraints" function.
As @Zozo_mp says: If the original component of the repeat is correctly/fully constrained, its repeats will be too.

Kind regards.

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Hello ZOZO_mp,

This is the case of hydraulic flanges, so bolted with screws, nuts and washers, so I have constraints of coincidences, coaxiality or distances to respect (at the margin).
For the moment, I'm doing component by component, it's long...
By taking the symmetry function the localization is obtained but without the constraint it is normal.
I understand the principle of the function, thank you for the explanation.

Hello Maclane,

Ok, thanks for the help given.
Kind regards.


I think you should go through "Copy with constraints"
You select the flanges, the screws and the constraints will follow.


To complete what my colleagues said: the easiest way is to make a complete sub-assembly (flange + gasket + bolts), constrain this sub-assembly in the main assembly with a maximum of 3 constraints and "copy with the constraints" of this sub-assembly (as there are only 3 constraints it will go very quickly to re-constrain)


Good tip, otherwise I look to go through an intelligent component, the screw that will drive the machining here a tapping with composing the associated washer. You use these smart components or not because in the end the difference with a subassembly remains close.
Thank you.