Occurrence indicator to rotate quantities in a BOM

To follow up on this post:

I remember being able to force the occurrence flag in a set (it may not be in SW ^^'), and not in the properties of a part.
The example of oil is also good, just like a screw, you can need 2 or 50 without repeating it. A pot of glue, add a basic spare part to the box, and add a basic spare part to the body.
If you force the property of the screw or the liter of oil it only works once for one case, but if you need 60 in another set?

It seems to me that it was here, but at home it's grey

The occurrence indicator corresponds to the identifiers found in the assembly tree (identified next to the model name).
To change the calculation information in the BOMs, it's in the properties of each file:


Too bad for me then. Nothing new under the sun since 2016.
It is therefore equivalent to making a "bag of screws of 50" or 60 file but not a screw whose number is varied. My memories must come from another software.
Can't we ask the programmers to add that? ^^ So much easier for referrals to manage.
In any case, thank you for the feedback.

In the meantime, could a "comment" property that would serve as a catch-all for this kind of information be the solution?

Config1 ==> prp@COMMENTAIRE = qty 100
Config2 ==> prp@COMMENTAIRE = qty 150

Or go through the BomComponents software of the MyCad tools provided for this purpose and indicated in my previous post in the related topic.

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