After deleting a piece I think, my occurrence indicators changed from NB to 1-2-3-4, they do 9-10-11-12
Do you know how to get back to 1?
After deleting a piece I think, my occurrence indicators changed from NB to 1-2-3-4, they do 9-10-11-12
Do you know how to get back to 1?
Hello C2M,
A little more explanation would be good to better understand your question, cordially.
Hello @A.R
If I understand the problem correctly, it's the automatic numbering (the number between quote "1", "4" after the name of the inserted file) when you insert the same part or sub-assemblies several times.
The problem apparently is that the automatic numbering is done in the order of creation and not in the order (the place) occupied in the creation tree. So if you insert a part or sub-ASM 7 times and delete the second, fourth, and sixth insertion, the remaining parts do not have their insertion order number change.
On the other hand, I have never tried to cause an update of the insertion increment and I don't even know if it's possible.
Kind regards
This is what Zozo_mp understood
Thank you for trying to answer me^^
The setting cannot be changed. This is the basic way SW works, it never reuses something that has been used at a given time (except since 2016 if my memory is good for reference identifiers in drawings where it manages to reuse a letter that has been deleted according to the SW settings).
DIY solution: delete the messy occurrences, save, reopen, then reinsert. But it forces you to redo the positioning constraints.
There is a macro solution too but not tested --> Macro