Indicate a double angle in a welded parts list

Hello everyone ,

I modeled a welded construction that is not orthogonal. It is a geodesic dome. At the places where my tubes meet, I used the adjust function. So I end up with two angles for each end. For each end of the tube, I have an angle in front view and another in right view. The problem is that in a list of welded parts we have the angles of both ends but only one each time. How do I get the indication of the 4 angles of each item? Is it possible to at least choose the angle displayed?


Thank you!

Automatically solidworks can only give the simple angle achievable with a band saw. The length will therefore be good but the angles will be to be dimensioned on the plan.

The easiest way to do this is to get one shot per tube.



I think like @sbadenis  a tube one shot no problem but if you have several cuts then a plan is necessary otherwise hello mistakes.

.may the force be with you


The angles are always dimensioned via sections perpendicular to its axis ;-)

So as our friend @ sbadenis says to you side on your plan via appropriate views
