Info about macro language



I will need information about understanding the language of a macro.


I will certainly have several points to see but one by one, to start.


What means:


PathName = SWmoddoc.GetPathName
FilePath = Left(PathName, InStrRev(PathName, "\"))
FileName = Right(PathName, Len(PathName) - InStrRev(PathName, "\"))


if my filename is 045-2014-A.sldddrw

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It's VBA language:


The ' (apostrophes) allow you to put comments in code, which I'm going to do below (it allows you to read the code with the comments just below):


PathName = SWmoddoc.GetPathName

'Assigns the name of the active solidworks file on the screen in the PathName variable example "c:\FOLDER\test.slddrw"


FilePath = Left(PathName, InStrRev(PathName, "\"))

Assigns the file path to the FilePath variable by looking for the \ from the left, e.g . "c:\FOLDER"

FileName = Right(PathName, Len(PathName) - InStrRev(PathName, "\"))

I assign the file name to the File Name variable by looking for the \ from the right (right), e.g . "test.slddrw"



Is it understandable now?


For any query on a VBA statement, the easiest way is to search for the name in Google, example for GetPathName gives this as the second result:

"Gets the full path name for this document, including the file name."


Or to instrrev:

"Returns the position of the first occurrence of one string to another, from the right side of the string."


So for your example:


045-2014-A.sldddrw will be in the FileName variable .


You will have the folder where it is located in the FilePath variable (example: C:\Folder\)


You will have the concatenation of the two in the PathName variable :
