INFORMATION: Friday, August 2 from 12:00 - forum update

Hi all

We are preparing an update for Friday, August 2 from 12:00 p.m. because surprise...
The forum will be accessible in several languages! :speech_balloon: :wave:

You will be able to exchange with German and English speaking users!
An automatic translation will be made according to the language you have chosen on the forum!

To make this update, we will be forced to temporarily close the forum on Friday, August 2 from 12:00 until Monday, August 5 at 8:00 :warning:

Have a good day to all :slight_smile: and happy holidays to those who already are!


Wonderfull / Wunderschön / Wonderful!

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:grin:@Silver_Surfer: It will change you from the FR=>EN translations of the Solidworks forum...:smile:


@Coralie :
The text will be directly translated or will it be possible to have the original text in the posts? (because translators are sometimes approximate on technical texts... not to mention macros).

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Yes, it will be possible to see the message in the original language :slight_smile:


It would indeed be wise if the text that is cited as a code/citation should not be translated

haaan, but that's stylish... and it opens up a wide range of ways of thinking that we don't usually have access to :blush:

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Hi all

Update of information! This migration will last the entire weekend: from Friday, August 2 at 12:00 p.m. to Monday, August 5 at 8:00 a.m. :exclamation:

We are sorry for this inconvenience,
Have a nice day :slight_smile:

Hello Coralie,
Oouah!! Awesome!!!

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The forum is just opening up to new languages or are you going to repatriate existing forums on the same banner?
What about the connection language (this was a problem recognized on the previous forum).

Hello @Maclane,

This is only a translation of the content! There are no plans for us to share the forum with others :wink: